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Donald Trump is a Lie

Donald Trump is a Lie


In the news Donald Trump spews that African Americans are lazy

Let’s discuss why this representative viewpoint is hazy

African Americans, don’t go PC when you insult me

Here we go again, this is that same old Willie Lynch spin,

Lazy?! Is that what you think?

I guess that’s why you had to blow the nose off the Sphinx


You claim to be the wealth creator, yet America was built with free black labor

How Lazy? when our bones evidence the pain and strain of carrying loads we couldn’t bear

and your children we were forced to bear

No more like resilient and brilliant

How Lazy? when college tuitions were paid while I shined Jim Crow’s shoes


I can imagine at rallies, your hatred garners a cheer

But our industry not thuggery is really what you fear

How Lazy? despite the handicaps imposed to legitimize your crimes,

Your books reveal your mission, to tell a history of omission

You don’t want the competition, so “Deportate” is what you advocate


Given half a chance to compete, we excel

But that wouldn’t be the story, you want to tell


And while we’re talking history, let’s check up on your family

Daddy a Klansman, his dad a pimp, that’s the truth of your roots

African Americans Lazy?  Just Propaganda and crazy.

Like my President said, I get so mad it makes me cry

Bottom line, Donald Trump is a Lie.


I arrived with delight in Seattle today, warm weather and a light rail line from the airport to downtown.  Visiting for training, I walk from the light rail stop encountering Nordstrom with my one block walk to the Sheraton.

I approached the registration desk and was asked “May I help you?” “Yes, I need to register”.  As I reached down for my id and credit card,  I was asked my last name – Chambers I said, as I stood with my id, I was asked again was is your last name – CHAMBERS as he typed in and your first name – Cheryl – for once I did not say begins with a “C”.  I placed my id on the counter.

Did you check in earlier?  Here I am standing with a large suitcase and carryon – No.  He continued to type and seeming to search.  I reached down for my confirmation and handed it to him.  Are you traveling with a group ?– No.  Are you sharing a room? – No.

It seems like we gave your reservation to a Mr. Champagne  – Is there a Mr. Champagne in your party – No!

At this point I’m thinking Really!  Where are the cameras?

Let me go in the back and straighten this out

He later emerges – no longer referencing a Mr. Champagne.  It seems that someone else with your name has checked in with your name.

I’m thinking this does not explain that you couldn’t find my reservation and now I’m thinking that this guy is just giving me a hard time.

Now he takes my id and tells me that he has to charge my card $100 for incidentals.  How much interest do these hotels make charging your card for money that may not be used and takes forever to return to your account.  Now mind you my room has been pre-paid in full prior to my check-in.  My card does not work or so he says.  I tell him “Well, the room is pre-paid”.

So he tells me he will make an exception and let me have my key.  He just hands me the key – no discussion as to where the gym or other amenities and no directions to the elevator as there are two towers and separate elevator banks for each tower.

At this point, I request a comment card, now he fumbles and hands me a couple.  I take a look at this name badge and take note.

It is my belief that your registration moment should be unmemorable as to be perfunctory especially after traveling.  When I checked my account the next day, I have more than enough to cover the incidentals so what was this guy’s problem?  At the end of the day was it just poor customer service or racism.

What would you do if you were called N-I-G-G-E-R?

Recently I read a Facebook post wherein a man was watering his lawn and a woman walked by with her dog.  The dog stopped and pooped on the man’s lawn.  The woman failed to pick up the poop and kept walking.  The man yelled out “Hey, you need to pick that up!”  The woman, ignored him and kept walking her dog.  The man insisted and the woman responded by calling him “NIGGER”.  So here’s my question to you and I have shared this story with family and friends to get their reaction – what would you do if you were called Nigger in this situation?

The responses are varied.  As the man tells the story, he was so taken aback, he did nothing at the time but posted the incident on Facebook.  I’d love to know if this woman has crossed his path again.  My response would have been to follow this woman to her home.  Take note of her residence, return to my home and collect her dog’s poop and put it on her lawn.  Judge me as you will but that would have been my reaction.  Others have said they would call animal control and report the dog.  Other reactions have been more confrontational.

We live in a culture where “in your face” rhetoric is regularly celebrated on our reality TV shows.  I personally enjoyed Mob Wives because of the acrimony and the fights.  Those Mob Wives had some real legitimate beefs that I could relate to and their emotions at their root were based in something understandable and not contrived just for TV.  Too many homicides happen because people are disrespected.  Rude, callous behavior is the norm of today.  Even in so-called polite circles, professional organizations or church, people talk to others any kind of way without regard to feelings, appropriateness or tone.

Hypocrisy is the headline constantly.  Mitt Romney who championed negative ads, to defeat Newt Gingrich in particular, is now crying about a little bit of his own medicine from the Obama campaign.  Even asking for an apology!  I think Romney is trying to put up an offense as a defense to stop the assault on his hiding the truth.  Where are the tax returns Mitt?  As they say – follow the money and that is the last thing Mitt wants is for the public to know all his business and all the money he has sequestered and the taxes he has avoided.

But back to being called NIGGER.  So what say you, send me a comment, I’d love to hear your responses.


Love Sees No Color – Really?!

You’ve perhaps seen the t-shirts “Love Sees No Color”. I always wonder at the people wearing the shirt. Not that I question their sincerity but “Love” if you embrace Corinthians 13 in the Bible has so many qualities. Love is so wonderful and unbelievable that it is really not human. Love is patient, kind, and long-suffering. Whereas most of us humans are none of those things on a regular or consistent basis. If you doubt me, watch Maury. I have a friend who professes to love her husband and shared with me that she had cheated on him (again) and told her lover that she was not leaving her husband because she loves him. Is that Love? I shan’t judge.

All I know is that diversity in life just like diversity in the work place is a good thing. While we love to hang out with people that think and look like us that comfort zone can be a trap because there are so many other people that don’t quite look like us or think like us that are cool people that are or can become good friends if we can just stop tripping.

Interacting with different people highlights many understandings. Not only does Love see no color, Ignorance sees no color, Hatred sees no color and Cowardice sees no Color.  I love how people react to President Barack Hussein Obama. Most black folk know that if you are a little bit black you are black. Sorry Halle Berry’s baby daddy, Gabriel Aubry, yes your daughter Nahla is black. Not sure if Halle is crazy or the crazy-maker since all her guys end up being “bad actors” but that’s for another blog – “Why we can’t seem to find the right partner”. All I know is the president for all the protests was brought up by his mom, grandmother and grandfather who are white. But the world as we know from reading his books treated him as he is – a person of color.

We often hear that we should focus on what we share in common rather than our differences, but we don’t. It seems that the human condition is to dissect and clarify any little blemish that is different. Black folk are still caught up in Willie Lynch’s mess. If you don’t know who Willie Lynch is, Google him and go buy the 30-40 page treatise that kept us slaves and still in a slave mentality today.

But here’s the thing I know, I love my brother-in-law, even if he does play Scrabble like a gangsta, if he ever learns how to play bid-whist we are all in trouble. We all adore my niece – she’s one of those Barack Obama people. I know I’m probably going to be talking about “white people” forever and as for me racism is more like the cockroach than the dinosaur but I do value people and all their differences and humanity.

Shoot you never know when Love is going to show up, being all loving and kind when you want to be small-minded and petty. Now if we could just figure out how to stop stabbing and shooting each other, but that’s for another blog – at the end of the day.